About us

We are a full service adventure agency Rover — combined of a core team who wants to reveal YOU the world the way we see it— thrilling & exciting. We are seekers of adventure, so our abilities can turn your dream journeys into unforgettable stories.

Our team consists of world explorers who are experienced adventure group leaders, who happen to have fallen in love with the beauty of their own country. So it doesn't matter if you seek adrenaline-filled adventures, peaceful nature getaways, or exploring new cultures - we are here to accompany you on your journey!

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Facts and figures about ROVER

Returning travellers yearly
Yearly flights
KM walked this year
Yearly tours
Countries experienced yearly

Our mission

Our mission is clear - to make your heart beat in the rhythm of an adventure. We want to share with you the feelings that arise from getting to know new cultures and authentic cuisines, hearing foreign languages, and enjoying diverse nature. Allow us to be your guiding team, taking care of trip planning - all you have to do is show up and come along.

Choosing to travel with "Rover" is not only an opportunity to venture into an exciting world, but also to get closer to yourself, as we believe that every adventure expands your horizons and changes you.

Are You ready? Let's go!


Valdis Vītoliņš

Valdis Vītoliņš

CEO, world traveler & proud owner of National Geopraphic title — "Discoverer of Latvia 2023". Valdis also the founder of very well recognised adventure race: "Latvija's Challenge" aka "Latvijas Izaicinājums". 

Inese Miķelsone

Inese Miķelsone

Office administrator & travel manager

Jānis Ābelnieks

Jānis Ābelnieks

Tour leader &  founder of "Latvijas Izaicinājums"

Sandra Juzāne

Sandra Juzāne

Tour Leader & travel manager

Anita Birze

Anita Birze

Tour Leader

Mārtiņš Kalnbērziņš

Mārtiņš Kalnbērziņš

Grupu vadītājs

Katru reizi, kad skatienam paveras kalni vai neaptverami plašumi ir brīdis, kad gribas likt plecos mugursomu un doties. Doties ceļā, kas gaida, lai to izzinātu, sajustu un piedzīvotu. Tieši garie pārgājienu maršruti, kas ved tevi simtiem kilometru nezināmajā, kad dienu skaits sajūk un saules gaisma ir tavs vienīgais laikrādis ir piedzīvojumi, kuru laikā var smelties dzīves sparu!

Jānis Beikmanis

Jānis Beikmanis

grupu vadītājs, jahtas kapteinis

Arnis Jagza

Arnis Jagza

Grupu vadītājs

Āris Birze

Āris Birze

"Rover Moto izaicinājumu" izveidotājs
Izaugsmes treneris, uzņēmējs, autors.

Āris ir izaugsmes entuziasts ar psiholoģijas izglītību un veidojis uzņēmumus tūrisma, kafejnīcu un video aģentūras jomās. Moto izaicinājumi ir viņa svētceļojumi, lai atgrieztos pie sevis un savienotos ar visumu.
Papildus mentorē Ventspils Augstskolā topošos uzņēmējus, konsultē uzņēmējus un katru gadu izdod pa grāmatai.



"Rover" team's lucky charm & a complete expert of "Latvijas Izaicinājums" race
